Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Is that you?

May be she is not the first for others, but the only one for me,
Her face may be same for others but too different for me,
Her eyes which glittered the fragrance of innocence, opened her mouth to reveal the same,
The way she looks like the beauty of the flowers,
The person who made a gentle rement,
Is that you??

Her way of talk that impressed the most,
Her way of walk that increased her impression,
The girl who first stood at a great height,
Is that you??

Never had I felt to have a picture of yours in my mind,
What is that for which I lost my view?
For the person like you, it’s different to be with you,
The girl who shuttered my sleep,
Is that you??

May not be the happy day for others to be with you,
But just a dying one day for me,
Never had I felt would meet a person like you,
May not be the first for others, but will be the last one for me,
Never I let you go, for given a chance to be with you,
Far you stay, nearer you will be,
For the one whom I would love to care,
Is that you??


  1. Excellent Beautiful Write Up!!!! Pleasure Read....Come Up With Many More Writings.

  2. Dr. Krishnamurthy Sir, Thanks A Lot. Keep Visiting.

  3. interesting poem, i will visit ur blog very often, hope u go for this website to increase visitor.Happy Blogging!!!
